This article informs you how you can request a permanent license file when using node-locked or floating liceses or in case you use more than one license. [read more]
Installation of Smap3D Plant Design in WIN 10
Since Microsoft made changes to the old .NET Framework 3.5 components in the Windows 10 operating system (Creator Update in April 2017), it is no longer possible to install or activate these components separately on a Windows 10 computer via external installation routines. [read more]
Enhancements for Smap3D Plant Design V11 SP2
Here are the Highlights of some of the most notable enhancements for Smap3D Plant Design: Layout of the P&ID To-Do List, Creating Sub-assemblies, Zooms and more. [read more]
Conversion of Smap3D standard and repetition parts for SOLIDWORKS 2015
Save the Smap3D data storage (standard and repetition parts) with this "Smap3D SolidWorks 2015 conversion tool" - before starting to work with Smap3D parts in SolidWorks 2015 or its future versions: [read more]
How to change the port for Smap3D Plant Design license services after installation?
Note: This article is only applicable for all versions of Smap3D Plant Design before version 2016. All license services (Smap3D clients und license server) must use the same communication port. [read more]
How you can start the Smap3D Plant Design License Service manually?
Note: This article is only applicable for all versions of Smap3D Plant Design before version 2016. The Smap3D license server ‘CAD Partner License Service’ is a Windows service which manages the licenses (permanent, floating, and temporary). [read more]
Which standard parts are included in the Smap3D Piping package for SOLIDWORKS®?
The software package of Smap3D Piping for SOLIDWORKS® include a lot of 3D standard parts in native SOLIDWORKS® format, as well as the application to manage the standard parts, called Smap3D PartFinder. [read more]
How to integrate components from SOLIDWORKS® configurations in the Smap3D standard parts library?
It is possible to import components from SOLIDWORKS® configurations (only Part configurations) automated into the Smap3D standard part library. [read more]
What must components for Piping generally include?
In Smap3D Piping for SOLIDWORKS® for the automatic recognition of all the components which need to be taken into account when generating or updating pipelines, the components must carry some specific information. [read more]
How to import existing components to the Smap3D standard parts library?
It is possible to import existing components (Part and Assembly files) automated into the Smap3D standard parts library (database). [read more]
How to create custom pipes for usage in Piping?
To generate a pipe with Smap3D Piping the software does not require any 3D geometry. Only the characteristics ‘wall thickness‘ and ‘outer diameter‘ in the library files are sufficient. [read more]
What is the characteristic file?
Smap3D Piping uses ‘Bend radius’, ‘Outer diameter’, ‘Minimum flat length’, ‘Maximum flat length’ and ‘Wall thickness’ to define and generate the geometry of each pipe. [read more]
What are flange components?
The following requirements apply to 'flanges' and 'flange components' in Smap3D Piping for SOLIDWORKS®, so that Smap3D Piping can automatically place the matching flanges and gaskets. [read more]
What are finishing components?
The following requirements apply to 'finishing components' in Smap3D Piping for SOLIDWORKS®, i.e. components which are meant to be built at the ends of pipelines.
Finishing components are, for example, blind flanges, caps, etc. [read more]
What are flow through components?
The following requirements apply to 'flow-through components' in Smap3D Piping for SOLIDWORKS®, i.e. for components which are inserted between pipes and through which some medium should flow. [read more]
What is Smap3D Piping for SOLIDWORKS®?
Smap3D Piping is the ideal extension for SOLIDWORKS®, [read more]