The following requirements apply to ‘flanges’ and ‘flange components’ in Smap3D Piping for SOLIDWORKS®, so that Smap3D Piping can automatically place the matching flanges and gaskets.
Every connection point of a flange needs an ‘INPUT_POINT’, an ‘OUTPUT_POINT’ and an ‘OUTPUT_AXIS’.
In addition, information on ‘flanged end treatment’ is necessary. If the components contain such information within ‘CSInfo’, Smap3D Piping automatically places flanges and gaskets (eventually) and divides the pipes.
The proper coordinate systems and axes can be created and ‘CSInfo’ can be defined easily using Coordinate System Wizard.
If this information is on the components, Smap3D Piping automatically places the flanges and gaskets (defined in the pipe class) and divides the pipes.
The X-axis of each coordinate system must always point in the direction of the INPUT or OUTPUT.
Since Plant Design 2016 you can use the Component Wizard for an easy and fast creation of such components:
The Component Wizard