What must components for Piping generally include?

In Smap3D Piping for SOLIDWORKS® for the automatic recognition of all the components which need to be taken into account when generating or updating pipelines, the components must carry some specific information.

The information required on the components are the INPUT-, OUTPUTPOINT and OUTPUTAXIS definitions.
They are defined as SOLIDWORKS® coordinate systems and axis on the components (in part or assembly environment).

Basically we differ between flow-through and finishing components.
The definitions for end treatment will defined as optional enhancement in the name of the coordinate system.

The position and orientation of the coordinate systems depend on the geometric of the 3D model and the kind of component which should represented.
For example: For a welding fitting the coordinate systems must placed at the outer edges of the geometric where the pipes welded on.
For a screwing fitting the coordinate systems must placed somewhere at the inner geometric, where the pipe end if it is screwed into the fitting.

The names of coordinate systems and their positions are set exactly and must be adhered to for Smap3D Piping to work correctly.
Input points must named: INPUT_POINT_1, INPUT_POINT_2, and so on.
Output points must named: OUTPUT_POINT_1, OUTPUT_POINT_2, and so on.
Axis must named:
OUTPUT_AXIS_1, OUTPUT_AXIS_2, and so on.
 The x-axis of each coordinate system must always point in the direction of the input or output.

Are these informations defined correctly on the components, Smap3D Piping recognizes this and consider such components at the generation of the pipes. With this definition the software knows from which point of a component (e.g. bend, tee, valve) a pipe run to which point of an other component.

Since Plant Design 2016 you can use the Component Wizard for an easy and fast creation of such components:
The Component Wizard


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