Where do I get my floating license for Solid Edge OEM?

How to generate new floating licenses after a version upgrade?

1) Open the Siemens web portal GTAC

– Go to: http://www.plm.automation.siemens.com/en_us/support/gtac/
or enter this address in your browser: siemens.com/gtac

– Go to the License Management section and click on Licenses.


2) Login with your WebKey account:


– If you do not yet have a WebKey, read the following article first:
How is a WebKey account generated


3) Go to Passwords and License Files

– Select the product: Solid Edge

– Select the version for which you want to generate/download the license.
Please note that 109 stands for ST9, 108 for ST8 and so on.

– Click Continue to save the license file (SElicense.dat) on your computer.

–  As last step you must import this floating license file for your Solid Edge OEM (as part of Plant Design Studio) via the License Server Manager.
Please follow the instructions in chapter Update/replace a server license file of the Installation Guide to Plant Design Studio.


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