Smap3D Piping uses ‘Bend radius’, ‘Outer diameter’, ‘Minimum flat length’, ‘Maximum flat length’ and ‘Wall thickness’ to define and generate the geometry of each pipe.
These information to gererate round pipes are taken from the charateristics of the standard parts which are defined in the component group (key name) ‘pipe’ .
If you have defined own standard parts in the library (PartFinder) where the existing characteristics do not match the ones mentioned above (i.e. they contain characteristics with the same meaning but have different names) then you have to add the names of these characteristics in the characteristics file. The ‘Characteristics file’ (*.pip) is used for correctly interpreting the characteristic names and their geometrical values in own standard parts.
Access to this characteristic file you just have in Plant Design Administrator tab ‘Piping common’.
A user must have administrator access to change the ‘characteristic file’.
You can create your own characteristics file (button ‘Create’) or enhance/modify an existing (button ‘Edit’).
In the left column ‘Characteristic’ there are all system relevant characteristics (used to generate the 3D geometric of the pipes).
In the right column you can add your corresponding characteristics (to each entry in the left column) which you are use in your standard parts.
There is a pre-defined characteristics file called ‘MultiLang.pip’ in the Smap3D program folder (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Cad-Partner\Smap3D Plant Design xx.xx).
This file is prepared for the Smap3D library plant design components.