The functions “Minimal cutting length” and “Minimal clamping length” are available in the “Options” tab of the pipe specification editor. They are included from version 2017 of Smap3D Plant Design.
The settings for these can be made global or individually for each diameter.
They are specially developed for bent pipes.Therefore, these settings should only be used in pipe specifications in which “no bend/elbow components” are defined or in which the option “Do not place bends from pipe specification automatically” is activated. Otherwise these settings do not provide any effect or feedback for the user.
These settings affect the geometry of bent pipes as well as feedback for problems when generating a pipe, if these are determined by the plausibility checks in Piping.
Minimal cutting length
The minimal cutting length should be used to ensure the ensure the ability to manufacture bent pipes. If a bent pipe will be generated with the active option “Divide”, so the bent part will be extended in both directions with the set value.
In practice this value describe the required cylindrical pipe on a bent pipe, that will be used to fix the pipe at the work process of cut to length.
If the current length of a bent pipe is shorter than the permissible length (defined by the bending radius and minimal cutting length), a notification is displayed and the pipe is not generated.
A 180° bend requires a minimal technical tolerance of exactly 0.01 mm.
Therefore, the length of the line segment must be 2x bend radius + 0.01 mm.
Minimal clamping length
The minimal clamping length is used to ensure the ability to manufacture bent pipes in bending machines.
This setting only applies to the two-line segments of a pipe bend.