What are flow through components?

This following requirements apply to ‘flow through components’ in Smap3D Piping for Solid Edge®,  i.e. for components which are inserted between pipes and where some medium should flow through.
These components such as ‘bends‘, ‘tees‘, ‘flanges‘, and so on.

Each possible connection on a component needs an INPUT_POINTand an OUTPUT_POINT.

The proper coordinate systems can be created easily using Coordinate System Wizard.

A tee has three ways it can be attached to a pipe. Therefore there are three input and three output points.
Each connection must have an ‘INPUT_POINT’ and an ‘OUTPUT_POINT’.
This means that a tee prepared for use in Smap3D Piping contains 6 coordinate systems altogether (3x INPUT_POINT and 3x OUTPUT_POINT).

The X-axis of each coordinate system must always point in the direction of the INPUT or OUTPUT.

Since Plant Design 2016 you can use the Component Wizard for an easy and fast creation of such components:
The Component Wizard

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